How To Watch MLB On Kodi For Free

Want to watch MLB on Kodi? Don't worry! It's easy to stream anything on Kodi if you know your way around Kodi. If you don't know what Kodi is, it's the best media player you'll ever get your hands on, and it's the hottest thing right now. Kodi lets you stream anything you want online. Just:

1. Get a repository
2. Get an add-on
3. Install the addon
4. Run the addon
5. Look for the stream online
6. Viola!

With that said, MLB is one of the hottest sports in the US. If you want to stream Major League Baseball on Kodi, just follow these steps.

  • Go to Settings, then open File Manager,  and then click Add Source
  • Enter the URL in the available box
  • Name it "Maverick" and hit OK
  • Return to main screen, pick Add-ons and then the unbox icon you see at the top
  • Now select the option Install from zip file, then Maverick, then
  • Wait for installation confirmation notification on te top-left, then select Install from repository from the unbox icon menu
  • Once you're through that step, select MaverickTV Repo, then Video add-ons, then Project Mayhem.
  • Install Project Mayhem and wait for add-on enabled notification.
There are other methods to stream MLB on Kodi too if this one fails. So don't worry if this method gives you an unusual error.
