Where To Live Stream UFC 229 and Khabib Vs McGregor Online For Free

Mixed Martial Arts, AKA MMA has been really gaining hype lately. A lot of people who already love MMA but a lot of new viewers are flooding in too lately, especially since McGregor fought Mayweather. And with just a few days remaining in the biggest MMA fight of the year, Khabib vs McGregor, the hype has gotten even bigger.

Feel free to read up more on the history of McGregor and Khabib by reading the infographic below!!


So, let’s just put everything aside, cut to the chase and see how you can stream the biggest MMA fight of 2018, Khabib Vs McGregor at UFC 229 along with other fights like Kunitskaya, Ferguson and others.

How Can You Watch Khabib Vs McGregor Online For Free?

Well that’s easy, there are two ways to get around this issue:

1. You can watch UFC229 online on Kodi, or

2. You can watch UFC229 online on Match TV without cable

1- With Kodi (Using Joker Sports Addon)

1. Run Kodi

2. Go to Settings, then File Manager

3. Then Add Source and select None

4. Now Enter: http://mavericktv.net/mavrepo, followed by OK

5. Name it “mavrepo”

6. Go to home

7. Then to Add-ons

8. Then the unboxing icon at the top-left

9. Select Install From Zip File

10. Select mavrepo, then Repo, then repository.maverickrepo-3.5.zip

11. Now back to home once again

12. Again, go to addons, then the unboxing icon at the left

13. But this time, Select Install from repository instead

14. Now look for MaverickTV Repo, then Video Add-ons and then Joker Sports

15. Click on the Install option

16. Wait for it to install, you’ll see a notification

17. To run the addon you just installed, select Video Add-ons, then Joker Sports, then BT Sports (which broadcasts the fights officially)

18. There are also other ways to stream Khabib Vs McGregor on Kodi, check them out too

2- With Match TV and Ivacy

1. Just download, install and run a VPN app like Ivacy that has a Russian server

2. Connect to Russia

3. Once connected, open your browser

4. Type Matchtv.ru/on-air in your URL address bar when the UFC229 PPV starts airing

5. Stream the UFC 229 Live without cable

There are a lot of other ways to watch Khabib Vs McGregor Fight on Kodi live as well. Oh, you can also live stream Khabib vs McGregor for free on other devices. Check them out too.
